My name is Mary Jane Hooper. Thank you for exploring my website. Let me share some information about my approach to therapy to help you in your search for a therapist.
I began my private practice in Fort Worth in 1997. As a therapist, I am interested in helping people break free of self-defeating patterns and to create meaningful lives. Therapy provides a catalyst for change and can occur in many settings:
Individual therapy helps people identify personal strengths which can empower them to attain their life goals. Interactive therapy helps people discover new possibilities for themselves and improve their relationships with others.
Marriage and Family therapy covers issues which are relational in nature. Through a focused, interactive process, couples and families learn to move from rigidly held positions to more flexible ones, allowing everyone to create more meaningful, intimate and healthy relationships.
Group therapy fosters and maintains connection in relationships. Participants learn to listen to each other with empathy and compassion. By reconnecting with others members learn to gain resilience against the effects of shame.
Clinical Hypnosis is used to help people develop the skills and confidence to make good life choices. Anxiety and depression can be managed by developing life skills to cope with stress and adversity.
I am dedicated to helping you find a psychological, emotional, and mental balance to live more fully in your true self.
- Bachelor of Science, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas
- Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Texas
- Member of the American Group Psychotherapy Association
- Advanced training in Internal Family Systems (IFS) and intimacy from the inside out. (IFIO)
- Certified Rubenfeld Synergist. Three-year mind-body certification program with Ilana Rubenfeld
- Certified Practitioner of the Integrative Process, a 4-year certification program, an energy-based method of body-oriented psychotherapy with Dr. Werner Kundig
- Four-year training program in Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy with Dr. James Bugental and Dr. Myrtle Heery
- Over two years training at the Milton H. Erickson Institute of Dallas
- Advanced training in Clinical Hypnosis with Dr. Michael Yapko
My commitment to you is to help you reach your fullest potential in a safe and comfortable environment. Please e-mail or call me with any questions you may have about my approach to therapy.
I am a member of:
- American Group Psychotherapy Association
- American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
- Milton H. Erickson Institute of Dallas
- Fort Worth Better Business Bureau